Victoria argues for terrorism-like response on cladding insurance
The crisis-hit building industry needs a response like the federal government’s $13 billion terrorism reinsurance scheme to stop insurers pulling coverage on flammable cladding, faulty wiring and other defects, Victorian officials will argue at a key federal-state meeting on Friday.
They say coverage of a growing number of faults is being dropped across multiple sectors.
But the federal government will be as quick to rebuff Victoria’s call for Commonwealth money as it was in July when the southern state asked for it at the last Building Ministers Forum.
The impasse has left a growing number of building professionals, and consumers, without coverage for combustible cladding, defects and faulty materials.
Victoria’s building minister Richard Wynne said on Thursday the withdrawal of insurance coverage from professional indemnity policies had gone beyond cladding liabilities and demanded a national response.
“The professional indemnity insurance market is reaching crisis point – if we don’t act as a nation the building industry could be brought to its knees,” Mr Wynne said.
Victoria wants a federal scheme to underwrite building risks, similar to the scheme managed by the Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation to underwrite terrorism risks, as well as a rectification fund.
The state’s position echoes the call made this week by the peak body for building surveyors and certifiers, who say only a commitment from governments to fix cladding will limit the unknown liability insurers face over their clients’ exposure to the material and keep them offering coverage.
It also sets Victoria apart from its counterparts in NSW and Queensland, who have continued, like the federal government, to refuse to make any public bailout of cladding rectification.
But Victoria’s desperation is driven by the fact that its own plan to spend $600 million to rectify privately-owned cladding-affected buildings will do nothing to alter the behaviour of insurers who see Australia as a national, rather than state-based, market for insurance.
“It’s getting more and more urgent,” a government source said.
“We have to get some confidence back on a national level. The only way you can do that is with money.”
But Ms Andrews said the latest Victorian call flew in the face of the agreement by ministers in July that states would take responsibility for remediation and rectification. She called Mr Wynne’s move a stunt.
“This is an incredibly disappointing stunt from the Victorian Government, which is using the Building Ministers’ Forum as a political soapbox rather than an opportunity for genuine outcomes,” she said.
“If the Victorian Government was interested in real outcomes, they wouldn’t be proposing items for the agenda of the Building Ministers’ Forum via the media and less than 24 hours before the meeting.”
The argument ahead of Friday’s meeting, the third federal-state meeting of building ministers this year, leaves Victoria isolated from both its NSW and Queensland counterparts as well as the federal government on the issue.
But state officials argue a federal underwriting scheme could provide much-needed confidence that would keep insurers providing cover at a time of rapidly growing defects bills, the source said.
“It’s not just the cladding. It’s structural defects, exploding glass, faulty wiring. Look how much they’re paying out at Mascot [Towers], at Opal.”
Victoria also wants to tighten the rules around further use of aluminium composite cladding and will push for a ban on the use of all ACP with a polyethylene component of greater than 7 per cent, a stricter hurdle than the common position of eastern state governments to allow panels with up to a 30 per cent polyethylene core.