320 Fison Av E Building Profile Eagle Farm, QLD 4009
Modern Warehouse
Map for 320 Fison Av E Eagle Farm QLD 4009
Map for 320 Fison Av E Eagle Farm QLD 4009
Nestled within Brisbane's most sought after commercial/industrial precinct Eagle Farm
High bay warehouse/workshop in two bays
Commercial grade fittings throughout including ducted air conditioning and lux lighting
Main Tenants
Building Amenities
High Clearance Warehousing
Bus Stop
Nestled within Brisbane's most sought after industrial precinct Eagle Farm, this building is a 1,910sqm office and warehouse facility located on 4,049sqm of general industry site. Key attractions of this property include 205sqm of recently refurbished commercial grade office located over one level. Commercial grade fittings throughout including ducted air conditioning and lux lighting. 1,705sqm high bay warehouse/workshop in two bays. Warehouse accessed via multiple container height roller shutters.