One of the last remaining mid-size holdings in the BSDA with a portion of the highly sought after "Special Industry" Development Precinct.
27.36ha Prime Holding comprising 4.76ha Special Industry & 22.6ha Transition Precincts
The property is located within the BSDA:
Adjacent to Gelita Pty Ltd
Adjacent to the AJ Bush & Sons holdings on Sandy Creek Road
South of SCT Logistics intermodal facility
Improvements consist of:
Four-bedroom, four-bathroom single-level brick house with lock-up parking for two cars.
External inground pool to the north of the house.
180m² (15m x 12m) metal-clad warehouse with external awnings incorporating four individual stables and separate amenities.
There is overhead power connected to the site with 3 Phase Power to the warehouse area however no town water or sewer is available.
The property is subdivided into 5 main paddocks and a number of smaller holding paddocks.
The entire road frontage is relatively level however the site then slopes down to Sandy Creek approximately halfway between the eastern and western boundaries.
The land to the west of Sandy Creek is relatively level.
With respect to the vendors existing occupation all inspections will be conducted between 10.00am and 12.00 pm on the following dates:
Wednesday 14th August
Wednesday 21st August
Wednesday 28th August
Wednesday 4th September
Unless otherwise arranged with the agents.