Corner site location - 3609m2 land area (Surplus 1900m2)
Booming growth corridor location with Byford population set to increase from 23,764, to grow to 48,382 by 2046
Securely Leased to multi site operator on 15yr +10yr +10yr lease from June 24
Licensed for 75 Children
Rent $262,500 pa net rent +GST and Variable Outgoings 6.25% yield.
3% rent reviews pa +market reviews every 5 years.
Depreciation Allowances
Land Area 3609m2 with Open space of 1900m2
** Potential surplus land City of Serpentine Jarrrahdale buyback or future redevelopment capacity
(Subject to Council Approval)**
Amazing external and internal fit out- In demand operator and location !