Tired of working for someone else? Imagine earning great money while running your own professional tile cleaning and grouting service working just four hours a day!
Step seamlessly into entrepreneurship with this well-established, easy-to-operate home service business that's highly regarded in the industry.
Here's why this opportunity is perfect for you:
No franchise fees
Set your own hours
Only 5 workdays a week
Home-based no need to pay rent
Fully independent
Professional employees doing the work
All tools and equipment included
Full training provided
No license required
Operating successfully for 15 years
Earn $150,000 working part-time
Potential for even higher earnings if you choose full-time hours
This tile and grout cleaning service is something every home and office in Australia can benefit from. With a massive client base, both existing and potential, and a simple-to-learn process that delivers instant, visible results, you'll consistently enjoy happy customers and job satisfaction.
You'll start making money from day one with everything you need including equipment, training, and weeks of forward bookings. It's the perfect chance to break free from the daily grind and take control of your future.
Ready to become your own boss? $295,000 plus SAV
Call Mat Crause at 0428 666 559 for more details!